Our services

Contam SA offers you a one-stop shop for all your administrative needs.

Alpe di Chièra

Valle Leventina

2’038 m s.l.m.

On firm ground

A careful management of administrative matters ensures peace of mind and a more efficient use of your resources. By relying on our professionals, you will be able to devote more time and money to your business and those you hold dear.


For all your audit needs, please contact our trusted partner Recosa – Revisioni e Consulenze SA.

Contam SA
Via Valdani 1
6830 Chiasso

+41 (0) 91 682 67 42

+41 (0) 91 682 67 43

+41 (0) 91 682 67 46


Office and Opening hours

Member of the Swiss Trustee Association